Cava F.lli Bianchi - Dolomite, calcare, granulati industriali. Marmo macinato

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punto elenco Technical data sheet
punto elenco Analysis Report
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punto elenco Info
punto elenco Where we are


The Society

The BIANCHI F.LLI srl company has worked stoping lithoids for more than 30 years, perfecting techniques for extracting, crushing, conveying and drying with an absolute guarantee to have a continuous quality certification.
We serve our customers in the various industrial sectors winning appreciation and esteem.

The quarry environment
punto elenco

Quarry stuctures and equipment: supplied by systems, machines and service buildings

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Quarry hard-standing: places to store and handle materials

punto elenco

Service area: Paved space close to the offices

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Green modules: for decorating the office area

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Quarry roads: access routes and service routes inside the quarry area.

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Quarry front: stoping zone with fronts, access routes and handling squares.

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Greenery : former stoping area grassed off with colonising plants.

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Recovered areas: grassed off by “green” recovery initiatives.

punto elenco

Recovered areas: derived herbaceous covers from participations of recovery with rinverdimento